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The Story Enmakeulator v. 0.1

11/14/04 | by [mail] | Categories: computer/tech

I'm finally making a serious effort at learning a programming language. I thought PHP would be the natural choice, since I've been using a CMS that is written in PHP. I found a good tutorial and went through the 11 lessons. I had gotten that far before, but I never had an idea for anything to make. Unless you have something to practice on, you'll never learn the language (or at least I haven't). So I made up an objective for myself and spent several hours tonight making it into a PHP program.

So, it is my pleasure to present to you, The Story Enmakeulator (version 0.1). The idea is, you read the story, then add on your own paragraph. I know there are some problems with it, and if you have answers, please let me know. If you want to look at the source code, you can grab it here.


1 comment

I got rid of the problem of the unwanted slashes. Hooray for stripslashes($str);

danny [Visitor]http://danny.brendoman.com11/15/04 @ 20:32

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