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Meet Hippy Dave

01/23/04 | by [mail] | Categories: family/personal

I'd like to introduce you to a friend I've never met: Hippy Dave. He's one of the crew over at www.brendoman.com. I've added him to my link list (I should be adding the others soon.) I was just looking at his site and he and I have a lot of interests in common. If you like me, you may just like Dave. (If you don't like me, maybe this site will be more to your taste.)



Woohoo!! I like to get mentioned!! :)

So, what are our common interests? Just curious…i like to know how others are similar to me.

dave [Visitor]http://hippydave.brendoman.com01/23/04 @ 16:22

Cornerstone festival (I’ve never been, but it sounds cool)
The Simpsons
Henri Nouwen
Michael Moore
Ben Folds (Uncle Walter!)

danny [Visitor]http://danny.brendoman.com01/23/04 @ 19:54

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