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Float one over my house
Here's some good news for those of us in rural areas who can only choose between cheap, slow dial-up internet access and expensive, fast satellite broadband. Balloon goes up for rural broadband. The European Union is funding research for broadband internet that would be delievered by airships. It's expected to be 200 times faster than DSL, and very cost effective. I'm not sure if we'll ever see anything like this around here, but I know that there are no plans to have DSL or Cable internet in Adrian any time soon. I'm guessing that we'll see wireless broadband before DSL. It could be 3G, or airships, or who knows what.

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Hi Danny & Sarah!!
I pretty much just stumbled onto your Blog! Fun to hear how things are going. (So cute that Emma has her own computer mouse!!) (Danny…I’m sure Sarah appreciates the optical mouse, now she doesn’t have to worry about Emma swallowing the ball in a regular mouse!)
Anyway, just wanted to say hi. HI!
Laura >
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