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Anniversary double feature

06/04/04 | by [mail] | Categories: family/personal

Last night Sara and I ate at Bo Lings, then took in a double feature, Shrek 2 and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

I thought Shrek 2 was pretty funny, better than the first one. We probably wouldn't have bothered with the 12:01 showing of Harry Potter if we weren't already planning on going out last night. But it was awesome. I've read the first four books and the third one is my favorite. This was a good adaptation, too. There were only a handful of details from the book that may have made the story a little easier to follow had they been left in. Rowling is such a good story teller. We thoroughly enjoyed this flick.


1 comment

Meredith and I enjoyed it alot as well. I am still unsure about Shrek 2. Can’t tell if I liked it or not. Seems like a good SNL type show but not movie caliber. I don’t know though.

Henry [Visitor]http://brendoman.com/honzo/06/05/04 @ 11:46

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