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5 Best Things About Being Married

06/03/04 | by Sara [mail] | Categories: family/personal

Today is our fourth anniversary, and in light of that fact, I decided to forgo the usual cynicism in favor of a salute to marriage. Obviously, there are things I could say about marriage that would fit the 'angry, rant-filled girl' bill, but, for today, you're getting this.

1. No more dating. This doesn't mean a cessation of any and all dates, of course husbands and wives are allowed the occasional night out. What I mean is the end of the nervous, nose-and-teeth-checking, who's going to pay, is a kiss the right/wrong thing at this juncture, will he/won't he [call, remember our date, show up in an acceptable car or choice of clothing] mental list.

2. I'm understood. Finally. Even though Danny considers me the 'queen of the non sequitur', he rarely asks the dreaded question: "What on earth are you talking about?" He doesn't care that I have to reference every song I hear with its:
   a. original artist
   b. significance in my life
   c. lead singer's side-project(s);
in fact, I'd like to think that he actually enjoys my banter. (At least he's good at pretending.)

3. A new, better me. As cliché as this sounds, being married is hard work. And even if I only succeed at listening, giving the benefit of the doubt and being nice 50% of the time, it's a great improvement. (Seriously, for those of you who remember what I was like before Danny, you know what I am talking about. Now please forget it.)

4. An increased interest in all things geek. I have always been a nerd at heart, but never at anything that was useful. Now I have mastered the fine art of TiVo, am somewhat proficient at blogging and am reading Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig (and actually enjoying it) all in the past few months. I have Danny to thank for that.

5. An end to low self-esteem (at least in the looks department). I know that Danny is interested in me as a person, and not just in how I look, but he always makes me feel like I am pretty anyway (except, of course when I am covered in child-vomit--then we revert to survival mode and communicate in a series of grunts). He never makes those 'fat-jokes' many husbands are want to make and he is, in general, a very supportive person.

Happy Anniversary, Danny. I love you and look forward to adding to this list many times over.




brendoman [Visitor]http://brendoman.com06/03/04 @ 13:34

Happy Anniversary to both of you! Marriage sure is wonderful. And the list is great. I agree with 4 of the 5. I haven’t been turned into a geek due to Katie (I became a geek all on my own), and I definitely haven’t turned her into a geek!

dave [Visitor]http://hippydave.brendoman.com06/03/04 @ 13:34

That almost made me cry, especially the part about you enjoying Free Culture. Happy Anniversary, Sara. If you’re not doing anything for the next four years, maybe we can hang out some more.

Danny [Visitor]http://danny.brendoman.com06/03/04 @ 14:29

You guys are awesome. You are a good match. Congradulations and many more to ya.

Henry [Visitor]http://honzo.brendoman.com06/03/04 @ 18:04

well, i hate to be the cynic, but i simply can’t agree with number five. Danny has never made me feel pretty.

i guess you’ll start being a bit more cautious about your generalizations, won’t you?

peter [Visitor]06/03/04 @ 18:57

You guys are so awesome together! This year has been the bomb, and I know you two will be together forever and ever and ever. Maybe next year at the high school they’ll let you two be on the same kickball team in gym class. That would be soooo cool. Well, stay sweet and have a great summer!

Jr. High Yearbook Tim [Visitor]06/03/04 @ 22:59

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