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Where Exxon gives

10/15/06 | by [mail] | Categories: culture/news

Exxon Mobil DonationsBig oil companies had record profits this year while working people found it tougher than ever to afford prices at the pump. We all know that big corporations spend money in Washington to make sure that they'll continue to post big profits. This chart is for anyone who has ever said, "Democrats and Republicans both get that money." Here you have it in stark red and blue. The GOP got between 76% and 91% percent of the money that Exxon donated over the last 14 years. And before you say, "Of course they give to the party that controls Congress, just take a look at the chart again. Even when the Democrats controlled Congress, the Republicans were getting more money from oil companies.

Here are the details for donations from Exxon Mobil, BP and Chevron. I won't spoil the surprise by telling you which party gets most of the money from these companies. Check it out yourself.

Why would these oil companies want Republicans to control our government? What are they getting for this investment?



“Why would these oil companies want Republicans to control our government? What are they getting for this investment?”

98% of political donations by Google is to Democrats, that is higher percentage than Exxon Mobbil, BP, or Chevrono give to the Republicans, why does Google want the Democrats to control the government? Or more importantly why aren’t you asking that question?

The answer to your question: Republicans tend to favor less taxes and less regulatory measures.

The tinfoil hat answer: The military-industrial-complex with the reigning Dark lord Bush wants to make more money so that he can kill the Sun people in Iraq and steal their oil so that he can kill more people. It’s a big conspiracy you people, and Americans are too retarded to get it.

Jeremy [Visitor]  http://prudence.wordpress.com11/28/06 @ 02:53

“98% of political donations by Google is to Democrats, that is higher percentage than Exxon Mobbil, BP, or Chevrono give to the Republicans, why does Google want the Democrats to control the government?”

I’m guessing it has something to do with the government recently trying to force Google to hand over their records of people’s internet searches. Maybe they’re hoping a Democrat-controlled government won’t do the same thing.

[Member]  http://www.brendoman.com/kyle11/28/06 @ 06:54
[Member]  http://www.brendoman.com/11/28/06 @ 07:42

I’m guessing it has something to do with the government recently trying to force Google to hand over their records of people’s internet searches. Maybe they’re hoping a Democrat-controlled government won’t do the same thing.


They’ve been donating to Dems before Alberto Gonzales wanted to investigate child porn on the internet.

Google, It could also be part of their “Do no evil” philosophy.

Yep, the Democrats “do no evil.” Each political party has some “evil” in it, we are all humans. It’s interesting to see Google’s motto and it’s current poliocy of self-filtering of anything that goes against the Most Glorious People’s Republic of China’s government.

The Bush administration is willing to protect an industry that is hurting the environment

And the evidence for some conspiracy between Bush and “EVIL OIL CORPORATIONS” is specious at best. But as long as you chant Halliburton, oil, and Republicans, it must be true.

rather than pouring that money into the alternative energy research that we need so badly. It’s not surprising, since Bush and Cheney are both oil men.


Throwing money at a problem is not going to fix it, and if the oil companies are shortsighted and don’t want to invest, or postpone investment, who are you to tell oil companies what to do (unless, of course you are a shareholder.) I don’t want to sound brash, but oil companies are not owned by the government. Besides, BP is investing in alternative energy.http://www.bp.com/home.do?categoryId=1

“Chevron in 2006 expects to spend approximately $400 million in the development of alternative and renewable energy technologies and in delivering energy efficiency solutions”

Bush and Cheney are both oil men

Then why does Bush support spending of 1.2 billion dollars to develop hydrogen cars?

But I forgot, they are oilmen, and they don’t care about alternative fuels.


Why are we in dire need of “alternative fuels"? We have enough oil for at least the next two centuries.

Your mere existence is damaging the environment, you are breathing out carbon dioxide. Yes we are stewards of the earth God gave us, but He also gave us dominion over the Earth, the heart of man is much more important than environmentalism, which must be regenerated by God. Futile solutions contrived from man will not succeed, and warning us about global warming and predicting doomsday for the planet not only is of good comedic value, but lessens the practical impact we can have on our world.

“Saving the planet” is not going to win any souls to Christ.

Jeremy [Visitor]  http://prudence.wordpress.com11/28/06 @ 14:31
[Member]  http://www.brendoman.com/11/28/06 @ 15:20

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