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What is a blog?

06/10/03 | by [mail] | Categories: family/personal

If this is your first time visiting this site you may have a few questions.Q: What is a blog?A: Blog is short for web-log. Its a type of website where one person posts messages and others can read them, post comments, then read other peoples comments and post replies to their comments, and then read the replies and . . . well, you get the picture. Its basically a way for people to communicate about topics or info that I post.Q: Is this the official web site of Adrian Christian Church?A: No. Hopefully an official site will be in our near future (especially if this blog is successful and shows that church members are interested in interacting over the web.) So things posted on this site do not necessarily represent the views of the church and its leaders.Q: How do I post a comment?A: Under the blog entry you want to comment on, click the link that says Post a comment. Under from, select anonymous. Type a subject, and then type your comment in the big window. Then hit post comment.Q: Can anyone besides you post a new entry or discussion topic.A: No, not unless you get your own Live Journal account.Q: How do I get my own Live Journal account?A: Go to www.livejournal.com. If you need help, just let me know.


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