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Try a Mac Mini free for 30 days
Try a Mac Mini free for 30 days - If you've been wanting to try a Mac, this might be a good time. Buy a Mac Mini from the Apple Store and use it for 30 days with your monitor, keyboard and mouse. If you decide to go back to your PC, you can send it back and Apple will give you a refund. The only cost you'll have is the return shipping. That's a pretty cheap way to test drive a new computer. The Mini's tiny form factor and pretty design are nice, but the best part of a Mac is the operating system: OS X. It's more secure than Windows. I'm not using anti-virus software, anti-spyware software or anti-adware software. I haven't had one problem. Surfing gunk free with a PC takes a lot more work. It's also nice to buy a computer that actually comes with useful software. The iLife suite, which comes on all new Macs, includes iTunes, iMovie, iPhoto, iDVD and Garage Band. You can have some fun with that stuff. But you don't have to take my word for it, grab one and try it for 30 days.
(via Digg.com)

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