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The freshman

08/22/03 | by [mail] | Categories: family/personal

Sara and I spent yesterday helping Erin to move into her dorm at NMSU, Maryville. We had a fun trip and Erin did a great job of handling the whole experience. The school provides a computer for each room. Since it has blazing fast internet (as high as 170 KB/sec) I downloaded a couple of programs to make her computer better. I installed Mozilla for a web browser and Trillion as an all-in-one replacement for AOL IM, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, etc. Erin also bought a fish. She still hadn't named him when we left. Any suggestions?



How about……
Dwight- there’s just something about that name.

coletrain [Visitor]08/22/03 @ 13:29

Sorry, we named him yesterday
Hey Danny, since I really wanted a girl fish and my roommate and I both like Johnny Cash, we named the fish Sue. If you don’t like Johnny Cash this name will take explaining but if you do then it makes perfect sense. Hope things are going well in Adrian.

anonymous [Visitor]08/24/03 @ 09:33

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