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The 40 Year Old Virgin
Sara and I went to see The 40 Year Old Virgin last night. If you're someone who is easily offended, you may not want to see this movie. Ok, let me rephrase that. If you've ever been offended in your life, just steer clear of this movie. It's quite crass. That said, Sara and I laughed through most of the movie. We laughed hard. It's a very fun movie. We're fans of Steve Carell's work on The Daily Show and The Office and I'm glad to see him in the lead of a major motion picture. It looks like he's got a few more projects already under production. And the second season of The Office will begin soon.


I see he’s going to be in a remake of Get Smart. He fits the look for that role perfectly.

Stopping by to check out the new skin. Very cool. Nice work…
Also, my wife and I saw this movie last weekend and we laughed so hard we cried. It’s been along time since I’ve laughed that hard through most of a movie. BTW, the waxing seen was for real…they rolled with the camera to capture the ‘reality’ and pain of that situation.
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I am glad to hear good things about the movie. I am a large un-fan of movie like American Pie and was curious if this movie was comparable to that. (is it?)
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