« School board candidate question threeSchool board candidate question one »

School board candidate question two

04/01/05 | by [mail] | Categories: culture/news

What qualities and experience will you bring to the board?

Steve Cooper: I have run my own business and been a heath care administrator, nursing home and long-term care consultant. That has taught me management in a large organization. Several of those have been larger than our school district.

Steve Lewis: I am a certified board member, with three years experience.

Monte Johnson: I'm 42 years of age, happily married with three wonderful children. My career field has been in construction with an area of proficiency in technical, administration and budgeting processes. I would be one more individual with different life and career experiences and an open mind to assist the team/board.

Vanessa Tallman: no reply

Kellie Case: no reply

Jim Hester: no reply


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