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Reason #290 that TiVo is great

09/13/04 | by [mail] | Categories: computer/tech

Reason #290 that TiVo is great: Football in a flash.

I discovered something beautiful last night. I TiVoed the Chiefs game so Sara and I could watch a movie. After the movie I started watching the game. TiVo has a 30-second skip button which instantly jumps ahead in a program 30 seconds (it's normally used for commercials). Pro football has a 40 second play clock, so if you press the 30-second skip button right at the end of a play then it usually jumps to just seconds before the next play. I was able to watch the whole game in about 20 minutes. One small problem with this is that if the game runs longer than scheduled, TiVo won't keep recording. Next time I'll just set it to record an hour or two of programming after the game. I missed most of the 4th quarter of last night's game and I had to catch the final score on Sportscenter.


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