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Potter, Watchmen

07/31/05 | by [mail] | Categories: culture/news

I finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix this morning and I started Watchmen over lunch. I liked the Harry Potter book and I'm looking forward to reading the newest one. I still think book three is my favorite so far. Watchmen will be the first graphic novel I've ever read. Some people say it's the best one ever written, so if I don't like it, then I'll know that I'm probably not going to like any comics. If I do like it, however, then chances are I may not ever find one I like better. So either way, it's downhil from here.



Watchmen is great…
Try Preacher, Hellblaser or Sandman.

Ter Mit [Visitor]08/01/05 @ 10:30

Watchmen is not the best comics can get. I think it’s the best SUPERHERO comic ever written, but not the best overall. There are plenty of indie comics by people like Art Spiegelman, Chris Ware, and Daniel Clowes that I would consider better.

But even if it is the best, that doesn’t mean there aren’t others that are very good. Seeing Citizen Kane (or Casablanca, if you prefer) doesn’t necessarily make every other movie in the world a disappointment.

Kyle [Visitor]http://www.brendoman.com/kyle08/04/05 @ 17:17

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