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Newsvine invites

02/06/06 | by [mail] | Categories: computer/tech

Thanks to Henry I now have a Newsvine account and 20 invites to give out. Newsvine is a news service that's currently in private beta. It looks very promising. If you want an invite, drop me a line.



Hey danny, I’d like a newsvine account. My email is lucasward at gmail dot com.

Lucas [Visitor]http://www.livejournal.com/~wardx202/06/06 @ 22:25

I’m curious, but I don’t really know what it is.

[Member]  http://www.brendoman.com/kyle02/07/06 @ 07:25
[Member]  http://www.brendoman.com/02/07/06 @ 08:03

I’d like to check this out too. Thanks.

[Member]  02/07/06 @ 08:49

I got an account awhile ago but haven’t really messed around with it much though. it looks promising. I also got an invite to coComment, which I’m trying out right now with this comment. Oops, it says it’s not supported by coComment. maybe it doesn’t work with b2e blogs.

[Member]  http://brendoman.com02/08/06 @ 18:38

Hi Mate, can I get one account please?


Tejas Patel

Tejas Patel [Visitor]http://www.softwareandtools.com02/08/06 @ 21:15

Sign me up too,if you don’t mind of course.

Heath [Visitor]http://heath.brendoman.com02/16/06 @ 19:44

Hey Dan,

I would like to check out Newsvine. Thanks

mawks [Visitor]02/23/06 @ 00:23

This does not have anything to do with the invites, but I just noticed the IE warning. At work I have no choice.

[Member]  http://hundiejo.com02/25/06 @ 10:33
[Member]  http://www.brendoman.com/02/25/06 @ 11:26

It is pretty funny.

[Member]  http://hundiejo.com02/26/06 @ 10:41

Can somebody please send me a newsvine invite. I would love to check it out.

waltersm [Visitor]03/01/06 @ 19:22

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