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Music downloads: $0.99 per track

10/08/03 | by [mail] | Categories: family/personal

I'm downloading my first song from MusicMatch's new legal download service. Like Apple iTunes, you can dl individual tracks for a buck and burn them to a cd or listen to them on your computer. This is all totally legal and it's a pretty cheap way to get some new music. It's free to download the latest version of MusicMatch Jukebox and it's free to create an account for the downloading service. Then you're just charged $0.99 per song. My song is now at 13%. I'll have more later when I decide if this was worth it.



me too!
My fish just went missing. exsept I could not find mine. ( I think my

cat ate him)Please…Let me know how that goes. Things are getting interesting as Dell is planning on launching a service for their upcoming mobile player and Napster is re-launching as a pay per download service this week.
brendoman [Visitor]10/08/03 @ 11:58

Hopefully the new services will drive prices down and features up. My song finished downloading and it sounds great. It’s 4:47 and about 6 MB. It’s in WMA format, which is good, but limits the number of portable players that would be compatible with the service. MusicMatch’s license policies are pretty reasonable. You can burn the files to cd and you can even move them to up to 2 other computers if you log into your account from those computers. This is good if the computer you dl on doesn’t have a burner, but you have access to one that does. So far I’m pleased with the new service. By the way, if you create an account you can register to win one of 99 portable music players.

dan_acc [Visitor]10/08/03 @ 13:42

Re: MusicMatch
That’s really cool. There are shareware programs that allow you to convert .wma’s to .mp3’s. I think I might have one on a CD somewhere. I was just over at the Napster page and they are offering five free songs if you pre-register now. It doesn’t cost anything to register. I actually like .wma’s better.

brendoman [Visitor]10/09/03 @ 13:22

Re: MusicMatch
That’s really cool. There are shareware programs that allow you to convert .wma’s to .mp3’s. I think I might have one on a CD somewhere. I was just over at the Napster page and they are offering five free songs if you pre-register now. It doesn’t cost anything to register. I actually like .wma’s better. why don’t you nerds just call each other

anonymous [Visitor]10/13/03 @ 17:25

why not call
The fact that you would even ask that question shows how little you know about nerd culture (although we prefer the term ‘geek’). Talking over a blog is so much cooler than using an anolog two-way audio feed (or what you might call a telephone).

dan_acc [Visitor]10/13/03 @ 20:57

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