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Ministers' Retreat

09/11/03 | by [mail] | Categories: family/personal

I got back yesterday from a two day retreat for area ministers. It was a very good time. Since it was the first year for the retreat, there weren't very many people. I did make some new friends, get some time to relax and improve my focus on God and the job he's got me doing.



CSF is getting ready to host a minister’s retreat at the end of October. I’m glad yours went well.

tub_a_jam [Visitor]09/12/03 @ 08:30

Your little blog thingy…
Well, this doesn’t really have much to do with the Ministers’ Retreat except for the fact that I’m glad you had a good time and are back safely. Anyway, now that I have this bookmarked and such, I suppose I’ll start reading it more regularly and commenting on the various subjects at hand. HannahP.S. I’m enjoying reading your conversation with the Mt. Juliet guy…I was going to print it off to take home and read, but it was 88 pages in word so I decided against it…

anonymous [Visitor]09/12/03 @ 10:40

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