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Liberals at Fox News

06/27/05 | by [mail] | Categories: culture/news

FOXNews.com - Views - Iraq: Bush Myths vs. Reality

I could barely believe my eyes when I saw this article. Could Fox News really be fair and balanced after all? On the same page I saw a link to another: President's Stubbornness Delays Social Security Solution. But wait, both articles come from the same author: Martin Frost. Frost is a Texas Democrat who served in the US House of Representatives for 26 years until 2003 when he lost after some redistricting forced him to run in a Republican-friendly district. Frost then lost his bid for DNC chairman. I guess we can add Frost's name to the short list of liberals that work at Fox News. Now Alan Colmes* has someone to talk to at the water cooler.

*Actually Alan Colmes is more of a moderate than a liberal.

Fox News apparently doesn't mind hiring a liberal or two as long as they meet three out of four of the following criteria:

  • Lost recently
  • Funny-looking
  • Not actually very liberal
  • Jewish

I did a bit more reading and I was surprised to learn that Wesley Clark now works for Fox News. He comes close to meeting my requirements. He lost in 2004, he is fairly conservative and he has a bit of a Jewish heritage. But there's no denying that he's a handsome man.



Yea…I was surprised to see that on Fox News also.

And I think you meant to say that Frost was a Texas Democrat, not a Republican. :)

[Member]  http://www.mindfulmission.com06/27/05 @ 15:50

“Myth: Saddam Hussein was a part of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States and possessed weapons of mass destruction.

Reality: Former Secretary of State Colin Powell (search), in one of his last interviews before leaving office, made it clear that Saddam was not involved in Sept. 11. Additionally, we thoroughly searched Iraq for weapons of mass destruction and could not find any. The administration is now justifying our involvement in Iraq on the basis of nation-building (democratization) — something President Bush derided during the 2000 campaign.”

Wow. That news would have been totally revealing and incisive about two years ago. I suppose FOX viewers may not have heard about it yet, though.

Do you think this adoption of a second moderate voice (I refuse to call them liberal) reflects the nation’s changing attitude? I’ve always maintained that FOX News is only pandering to conservatives because they saw a great market for right-leaning news. With Bush becoming less popular, maybe they see the winds changing and have adjusted accordingly.

[Member]  http://www.brendoman.com/kyle06/27/05 @ 17:20

has anyone really read his platform?

he had the most progressive tax reform out there in the primaries.

more liberal than moderate but close enough, that’s why i like him.

gringo [Visitor]06/27/05 @ 17:33
[Member]  http://www.brendoman.com/06/27/05 @ 18:26

* Lost recently
* Funny-looking
* Not actually very liberal
* Jewish

You are right on with that one - it is so obvious that they set up the liberal side to fail - or cut them off with screams of “prove it - cite it to the letter” mantras.

[Member]  http://hundiejo.com06/27/05 @ 22:13

Gringo…just because Clark had the most “progressive” tax reform out there does not mean that he is not moderate. If I remember right…he didn’t support gay marriage, he had a foreign policy platform that was at least in the middle, and maybe right of center.

But lets be honest…even if he was the most “progressive” in the primaries still would leave him as a moderate. There is little established liberal movement in this country.

[Member]  http://www.mindfulmission.com06/28/05 @ 10:28

i say again:

has anyone really read his platform?

gringo [Visitor]06/28/05 @ 14:01


gringo [Visitor]06/28/05 @ 14:01

Man, Dave don’t say anything about Clark. You don’t want a flame war over it. Its not worth it.

[Member]  http://hundiejo.com06/28/05 @ 15:20

There’s a difference between civil discourse and being an ahole. I was just stressing the point and I think I’m right. It all depends on who’s viewpoint, that’s all.

Must you always resort to personal comments?

gringo [Visitor]06/28/05 @ 18:47

So, Gringo, what do you think about Clark taking a job with FoxNews? Does it help their credibility? does it hurt his?

danny [Visitor]http://danny.brendoman.com06/28/05 @ 19:46

It’s a good move for both me thinks. I don’t much care for Fox although I do read them daily just to see what they’re saying.

Commentating at a conservative news outlet doesn’t make one instantly a conservative. Some lefties had a hard time with that but that’s… just sort of dumb. Heyo, the right needs more common sense from people who have served and know what it’s like. I love to hear those on the right lecture and ramble when they’ve absolutely no idea, it’s really quite funny.

What was the question again?

It won’t hurt him, Clark is a good speaker and a good moderate. He’s not rank and file, that’s what makes him special.

gringo [Visitor]06/28/05 @ 20:01

Clark is … a good moderate

Isn’t this what you just got mad at me for? Calling Clark a moderate? Yes, I have read his platform. Have I misinterpreted any of it?

[Member]  http://www.mindfulmission.com06/29/05 @ 12:23

i’m sorry if you read into what i wrote as being “angry", i really wasn’t.

what i stated previously pretty nails it on the head for me: he’s “more liberal than moderate but close enough, that’s why i like him.”

and to expound on “moderates", i feel that McCain is a good moderate but still very very republican although i’d rather have him in office than bush and of course i’d very much rather have Wes than McCain. Wes wasn’t even a registered democrat when he jumped into the primaries, he was “independent".

your conclusions about Clark endorsing the iraqi war was way way off, you’ve misinterpreted that and continued to endorse it.

i guess my point is if you read his platform you’ll realize he isn’t really “conservative” and coming from a battle hardened military dude, that is most certainly a breath of fresh air… but that’s just my opinion.

and he’s good looking too. =)

gringo [Visitor]06/29/05 @ 12:40

It wasn’t a personal comment Gringo. I am just saying that what people often construe as flame wars happen alot with you and people who talk about Clark.

Henry [Visitor]http://hundiejo.com07/01/05 @ 10:47

the flame wars are only with you mr. henry.

gringo [Visitor]07/01/05 @ 23:06

Henry, the comments you made toward Clark were rather shallow. I know you’re doing it in jest, but I can see how Gringo might take it that way. But anyway, umm… Gringo you should blog again.

[Member]  http://brendoman.com07/02/05 @ 02:43

No, he was directing them towards me.

“Man, Dave don’t say anything about Clark. You don’t want a flame war over it. Its not worth it.”

He can say whatever he wants about Clark… people say things all the time. It doesn’t phase me. He just wants to provoke something with me and it’s not going to work. In case somebody’s missed the other point here goes again: ” There’s a difference between civil discourse and being an ahole.”

Seriously, it works wonders when we ignore each other. I’ve figured this out at least.

gringo [Visitor]07/02/05 @ 12:36

Some lefties had a hard time with that but that’s… just sort of dumb. Heyo, the right needs more common sense from people who have served and know what it’s like. I love to hear those on the right lecture and ramble when they’ve absolutely no idea, it’s really quite funny.

Ken Dryden [Visitor]http://roadtime.org/12/21/06 @ 07:39

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