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Kevin Rose dumps G4, launches online show

05/24/05 | by [mail] | Categories: culture/news

This is a move that is making geeks everywhere happy. Kevin Rose was one of the last TechTV personalities left on G4TV. He was unhappy with the way his friends got fired and the way he wasn't allowed to do as much tech content as he wanted on the dumbed down incarnation of The Screen Savers. He also happened to be locked into a four year contract, so he couldn't quit. But, after a month of negotiations, he was released from his contract, and he's moving on. I see this as one more nail in the coffin for G4. They've already lost most of their good talent, cancelled or ruined the good shows they brought over and, what's most telling, they've exchanged all the relevant and profitable tech company ads for exercise equipment ads and infomercials like you see on PAX late at night. I'm hoping they'll close up shop soon.

On the upside, Kevin Rose has some good projects underway. Last night his downloadable tech show, Systm launched. I watched it this morning and it was really fun. It reminded me of some of the best segments from TSS. Now that he's doing this full time, it should be high quality and frequently released. If you like tech at all, this is worth a download. Rose has another project I like quite a bit: Digg.com. And the whole TSS team gets together once a week to record This Week in Tech, a 60 minute podcast of technology news and discussion.


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