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Jr. high camp

06/15/04 | by [mail] | Categories: faith/skepticism

It's Monday night of my second week of camp. I'm staying up playing Risk with some of the camp faculty. Camp has been fun so far. I've been playing drums in the praise band here and otherwise just trying to do what I can to help. We've played some fun games with the kids (see photo) and since I'm co-dean of the camp, I haven't had to mess with trying to get them to shut up and go to sleep.


1 comment

I get to go to camp in July. Except it is for 4th-6th, and on the beach. It shall be a lot of fun. I think I am also going to be one of the older staff members at the ripe old age of 21.

Smiles [Visitor]http://smiles.brendoman.com06/19/04 @ 00:39

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