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Ignoring Google Talk
Google released thier new instant messaging service today (actually I started using it last night). So now I have one more IM account that I can ignore. I already have Adium running on my Mac, logged into my MSN, Yahoo and AIM accounts. Now I've added Google's Jabber-based service and I can start ignoring it just like I do the others. Any of the people I know who will get GTalk accounts probably already have MSN and AIM accounts. I've looked over the features Google is offering and I don't see anything to write home about. You can do voice chat. Yawn. The other players have had this for ages and none of them, including Google, can hold a candle to Skype. For instance, Google Talk doesn't seem to support conference calls. The Google Talk client is available for Windows only (just like Google Earth and Google Desktop). You can sign in with any Jabber-ready client, but I don't think that gives you the voice-chat feature. Wake me up if you find some interesting features.


Don’t think jabber clients will support the voice features.
The only thing that really excites me about this is that it has the potential to give jabber a boost. Corporate IM isn’t going to happen nicely until something like jabber catches on. Google would need to open their servers up for server to server communication for that to happen though.

samsung digimax 200…is that the right info?

Google Talk is brand freaking new man. I could see all the stuff we want happening in the near future. I like the fact that it integrates with my gmail contacts and it is super basic. That’s what I like.
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