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05/02/05 | by [mail] | Categories: computer/tech

new computer boxI did finally make up my mind and end my search for a computer. I settled on an iMac G5. I bought it Friday night at the Apple Store in Kansas City. It just happened to be the release party for Tiger, the new version of the Mac OS, so the place was packed and they were giving scratch tickets at the door. A few people won an iPod or a laptop, but everyone else got 10% their purchase that night. That worked out very nicely for me. Here are some of the specs from my computer, if you're interested:

Monitor: 17" widescreen LCD
Processor: 1.8 GHz G5 600 MHz FSB, 512k L2 cache
Memory: 256 MB PC3200 DDR (soon to be upgraded to 1.25 GB)
Hard drive: 80 GB SATA (7200)
Video: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 64 MB of DDR SDRAM (AGP 8X)
Optical: 4X/8X/16X/8X/24X slot-loading Superdrive

There are more pictures in the gallery. So far I really like it. The Mac OS is very nice. I'm working on a new video of Emma, using the built-in iMovie, and I should be posting it online soon.


1 comment

[Member]08/21/05 @ 17:10

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