« Shout out to Erin

first post ever

05/30/03 | by [mail] | Categories: family/personal
Well, friends this is the new message board blog thingy for me and hopefull for our church and youth group. Thanks to Justin () for helping me get started. Hopefully this will be fun as we learn how to use it.


California whack-job
Surfer dude:stay off our website. this is none of your business. i hope you drown.-danny ferguson

anonymous [Visitor]01/01/01 @ 00:00

are first step into the webb world!!!
I think this will be great for the youth and the church. This means were out there to the world to see.

anonymous [Visitor]05/30/03 @ 15:55

Greetings from California
I heard about what you’re doing all the way out in California. Word travels fast! My friends and I talked about what you’re doing while we were surfing, and it turned out to be the best day of surfing off Santa Monica in years. How propitious! God is blessing even those who just talk about you.-peter hough

anonymous [Visitor]05/31/03 @ 08:15

California whack-job
Surfer dude:stay off our website. this is none of your business. i hope you drown.-danny ferguson

anonymous [Visitor]05/31/03 @ 08:17

Re: California whack-job
Meet my friend Peter. He’s not really from California. He moved there to give a boost to his image. And because he was tired of paying less than $2/gal for gas. Your car can’t run on orange juice and surf wax!

dan_acc [Visitor]05/31/03 @ 14:47

Re: California whack-job
Danny,Leave Peter alone. He’s my friend too. Why do you always scare away our friends?Sincerely,Sara Fergusonps: Emma pooped in your pillow. Sorry you have to find out this way.

anonymous [Visitor]06/18/03 @ 11:40

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