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Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom

06/19/04 | by [mail] | Categories: culture/news

I recently read another book on my PDA. A few weeks ago I told you about Free Culture. I enjoyed reading that one, I enjoyed the fact that it was free, I recommended it to people and I ended up buying a hard copy. In what I hope becomes a major trend, sci-fi author and author Cory Doctorow released his novel for free online. You can still buy a copy of the book, but this lets you at least check it out for free (and read the whole thing if your eyes can stand it). The book is called Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom. I liked it. It's set in the not-so-distant future, when the human consciousness has been ported to the computer so that if you die, you only have to restore from your latest back-up. I probably would have liked the book better if I knew anything about Disney World, since a lot of the story revolves around the changes that the tech brings to the Magic Kingdom. It looks like Doctorow has recently released his second novel Eastern Standard Tribe. I may have to download that and give it a try. If you know of any other good books that are being published this way, let me know.


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