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Christmas loot

12/29/03 | by [mail] | Categories: family/personal

Here are some of the gifts that were exchanged in our family last week:Sara gave me Gigantic: A Tale of Two Johns, a DVD about one of my favorite bands, They Might Be Giants. She also gave me a "Jesus is my Homeboy" t-shirt, two sweaters and a game. My parents gave me Lord of the Rings Risk. Sara's parents, ever practical, gave me a car safety kit that includes jumper cables, tire inflator, first aid kit, flashlight, etc.Sara got a Saeco Via Veneto Espresso Machine, coffee, syrups, cups, etc., and a couple of DVDs. Emma got DVDs, stuffed animals, a toy farm, Blue's Clues stickers, a They Might Be Giants Book, and so much more that I can't even remember it all.So if you want to sip fancy coffee drinks, watch a geeky DVD, play LOtR Risk, and watch Emma swim around in all of her new toys, come on over to our house.



Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas, homies.b-daddy

tub_a_jam [Visitor]12/30/03 @ 11:38

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas, homies.b-daddyYou must have some delightful parents!! It’s too bad you didn’t post some wonderful Christmas pictures of your family and my grand-daughter…er I mean Emma. You do have a camera don’t you?

anonymous [Visitor]12/30/03 @ 13:56

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