« Countdown to w00t!LAN! »


11/16/04 | by [mail] | Categories: miscellaneous

How to never miss and episode with bittorrent and rss - First, this site is down at the moment, but you can read the article from Google's cache here. Second, this actually works. Brendan can't watch the Daily Show in China or use BitTorrent, so I've got a set up on my computer that gets the show every day so he can download it from me. This could be very useful, especially if you don't have TiVo.


1 comment

I get like 8 shows a week with bt. It’s great because it’s always in widescreen and it’s always hi-def. Here’s the site I use:


It’s hardly ever down.

Jared [Visitor]http://www.bunkface.com11/17/04 @ 13:51

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